Denouement: 5-3-1 Narrative Rule
Enable your teams with a simple and yet powerful guideline to align on problems to solve and solutions.
Enable your teams with a simple and yet powerful guideline to align on problems to solve and solutions.
In software development, engineers are constantly seeking innovative solutions. One such pattern that has gained prominence in recent years is the Backend For Frontend (BFF) pattern. We’ll delve into the intricacies of BFF, explore its similarities with API Gateway, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating business logic and other microservice cross cutting concerns. We’ll conclude with recommendations.
Leadership advice for engineering managers working with (modular) monolithic code bases.
How to combine the mighty Software Delivery Life Cycle with the astute Delegation Board.
Why I requested engineering teams to spend 40% of their iteration time fixing bugs.
When is a good day in the week to start a sprint?
Any day but Monday. Sounds crazy? Not as much as you may think.
Have you ever lost a valuable software engineer you would like to keep? Did you try to convince them to stay? Did you attempt to learn from this with an exit interview?
Would you actually like to avoid exit interviews? Here is how: Stay interviews.
Have you ever gotten feedback that started with “I have been told that you ….”
How did you feel? Possibly you yourself asked “Well, how valuable is such feedback?”
You can do better – here is how to own your Feedback with SBIN or SPIT.
From Agile Coach to Organization Developer. Organizations developers promote and help execute change. They maximize support of the employees and minimize resistance for initiatives.
Resilient Technology Organisations with aligned Strategy, Organizational Chart and Technology Stack.
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