Do you want to edit gpg encrypted data and like Vim? This post is about how to combine both, GPG and Vim.
In case vim is not installed yet, you can install vim e.g. on Ubuntu with
sudo apt-get install vim
In case gpg (gnupg) is not installed yet, you can install it e.g. on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gnupg gnupg2 alias gpg="gpg2"
Now, GPG (gnupg) can be connected with vim as plugin.
In case the required vim plugin folders do not exist yet, create those e.g. on Ubuntu
mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin/
and download the plugin
cd ~/.vim git clone mv vim-gnupg/* . chmod +x plugin/gnupg.vim
Create a local gpg key now.
The next steps is to set the regarding environment variables e.g. for bash:
vim ~/.bashrc # 'Shift + G' to got to end of the file # 'o' to switch to insert mode in a new line export GPG_TTY=`tty` # ESC and ':x' to write changes to '~/.bashrc' file and close
You can set plugin defaults in ~/.vimrc:
let g:GPGPreferArmor=1 let g:GPGDefaultRecipients=[""]
This settings prefers ASCII-armored files, and sets your default recipient list.
All preparation is done, let’s test it:
vim test.asc
In my case I get:
GPG: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GPG: Please edit the list of recipients, one recipient per line. GPG: Unknown recipients have a prepended "!". GPG: Lines beginning with "GPG:" are removed automatically. GPG: Data after recipients between and including "(" and ")" is ignored. GPG: Closing this buffer commits changes. GPG: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [your name used in gpg key] <[your email used in gpg key]> (optional: e.g. ID: ... created at ...)
Save this with ‘:x’.
Now, you can add your data e.g.
# 'i' to switch to insert mode My encrypted data. # 'ESC' to leave insert mode
Save now with ‘:x’.
Lets lets see how the file test.asc looks like:
$ cat test.asc -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- hQGMA32E2byu+6wsAQv5AYJr5Q7cGWV7eCG4qTsgStA1cS7hb6H0pnDfVk50BMCx G01baYCaz6H8jEcqsvP3Z2OwMgirXU1Fdp66XxcWY/tBy0FZZYDdvrkY3Lz0E9V7 KlV739/zbRFg0P/Vl5qgqU796K/RWBohnFmBmXlJbV92Y2SD55omzCY4NooY9Kwc eciSreUMVQKMN8LCxdulUQ3hMA+Qt7dc7oXb1KdecmkYIuj0ZQCEJSvzG7H52S6h deN1S+tXROvgKO2Yk+djYnLHnOD906lg2xSPtunctq1hbkFgcTpjfQ3lCEZ3xoCH hVYS76R9abKjjhbk5DF/7+/wGruxEEUtakXrru4tpWvNwglptkpO5hMvgzpmV+/A M5Hi68yIWUMdooJtIXEws+V1hTlG1+oFd8ENkdd+EYM7wEx0lfX80oG65c/xY1M7 FgtE/Es+u67qB/mlcomfmE58MR/yBb0W0tcmzD5EvCzS6qcIkvbiWzg7OJL2QdVx wzppkRXNwEBs3iEa7G9W0k4BfdKvrBd5ncF6j7hjJbv8YTywfZ4ocOtM7ivt2UZU +ItROiUo+5FzsJ+k2n0UCldlOjAV6r5Y18O0VssGmrO55m3hKPPemgab2bWWD3Q= =9CWz -----END PGP MESSAGE----- $ gpg -d test.asc gpg: encrypted with 3072-bit RSA key, ID [.....], ...... "Lothar Schulz <[email]>" My encrypted data.
Vim, gpg (gnupg) and the vim gnupg plugin make transparent editing of GPG encrypted files with Vim easy and fun!
update 2024 03 25:
updated with information of
This isn’t working for me.
After downloading the plugin .vim file, and updating `bashrc` and `vimrc`, I get the following when trying to open a new `foo.asc` file:
Error detected while processing BufReadCmd Autocommands for “*.{gpg,asc,pgp}”:
E117: Unknown function: gnupg#init
What did I do wrong?
Sorry to read you had trouble following the steps.
The error message you reported indicates the root cause might be in gnupg.vim#L36.
My understanding of this code line is: gnupg’s init function is called.
This init function does probably not exist or is configured differently then expected in the system you use. I ask you to verify your gnupg terminal setup e.g. with
$ gpg --version
Try this MC, worked for me
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
$ cd ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
$ git clone
$ vim test.asc
Try this MC, worked for me
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
$ cd ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
$ git clone